Useful Links
Athena Swan – recognizing commitment to advancing women’s careers in academia.
The University of Southampton has an Athena SWAN Silver Award and is a founder member of the Athena SWAN charter group (which includes Bristol, Bath, Imperial and Manchester).
Diverse – University of Southampton’s Equality and Diversity website.
Theano – supporting women in science, engineering and technology at the University of Southampton
Beyond Bias and Barriers – Beyond bias and barriers produced jointly by the US national academies of science, engineering and medicine.
Life Coach Directory – Life Coach Directory was set-up in order to raise awareness of coaching and to enable visitors to find the most suitable qualified coach for their needs. Coaching is the process of guiding a person from where they are to where they want to be, and can address a range of areas from career advice to family coaching.
WISE – A campaign to promote women in science, technology and engineering.
Support from the Professional Development Unit – The PDU is constantly updating and revising its offer to develop and support staff at the University. Information on what is currently available will be posted here, or alternatively you could contact Dr Julie Reeves for more information. If you have any suggestions or requirements not currently offered by the PDU then please contact Julie to discuss your requirements further.
Springboard – World famous personal development programme through which over 230,000 women in over 30 countries have take the opportunity to focus on their work and personal life, and to take more control.
International Women’s Week at the University of Southampton
An Interview with Influential Women in Engineering